Trebendorf Pictures
This game was played twixt Dave & I at Dave's house 22/5/11. Dave played the Soviets and I played the Germans. Pretty much all of the kit was mine
Elements of the forward detachment 7th Tank Corps to the south of Ghary. T-34's in the game were a mix of more-or-less modded Airfix and Fujimi with a couple of Matchbox hulls, sporting assorted turrets, thrown in to the mix. SU-85 by Fujimi
The balance of the forward detachment was deployed to the North of Ghary. Dodge by Esci, ZiS-3 by Italeri
Forward detachment 147th Rifle Division deployed in the woods behind Ghary. SHQ SU-76
22 Panzer Regiment moves up towards Ghary. Matchbox Panthers and Fujimi/Nitto Pz-IVJ
I Abt 22 Panzer Regiment in close-up
21 Panzer Aufklärungs Abt moves up to Mattendorf. Esci 250's closest and Grubby tanks 250's in the distance.
SdKfz-234/4 moves to a hull down position - Cromwell model
SdKfz-250/9 (Esci) provides the link between the panzers and the recce
The T-34's south of Ghary soon succumbed to superior German firepower. Return fire meant that some of the Pz-IV's went pinned meaning that 3 Kompanie probed forward on their own
The SU-76's of 147th RD move south to challenge the Aufklärungs Abt. Unfortunately the Soviet command control is somewhat restricted and too late the Soviet commander realised he'd move them out of command radius.
200 Panzerjäger Abt advances along the south flank past Trebbendorf. The SdKfz-234 moves off the guard their flank against the SU-76s. Lead JgdPz-IV/70(V) is a Hasegawa kit painted by Dave. the following Jagdpanzer is a Matchbox model.
The VVS make a rocket attack on the lead tracks of the 192 Panzergrenadier Abt
Panzerjäger deploy to await the inevitable hoards of T-34's
La-5FN strafes the 250's of the Aufklärungs Abt in Mattendorf
As 3kp probes Ghary it has a close encounter with the remains of the forward detatchment
II Abt 22 PR outflanks Ghary to the north. The crew of the ZiS-3 flee the onslaught
54th Tank Brigade arrives
56th Tank Brigade arrives via Mattendorf
54th forms up just behind Ghary
German grenadiers move forward to take Ghary and reinforce Trebbendorf. On the left the advance has been temporarily halted as one company of Panthers has gone shaken.
The 54th and 56th TB's link up and advance. The Soviet commander was not keen on facing the Panthers so attacked south of Ghary. Although a powerful concentrated advance there were an awful lot of German guns waiting.
Just in the nick of time the 3Kp 200 PzJgr Abt sets-up in Trebbendorf. the 88mm takes a while to deploy
Pak-43 (Skytrex) engages the Soviet hoard covered by the 2cm of the Panzergrenadier's SdKfz-251/17 (Milicast)
The Germans in the centre look a little outnumbered
A birds eye view of the onslaught
The Luftwaffe makes a rare appearance. After the first turn of firing the Soviet advance looks a great deal less coherent
The Panthers move to outflank the Soviet advance.
The Pz-IV's hang on the face of increasing Soviet pressure
Eventually overwhelming numbers take their toll and the Pz-IV succumb to Soviet fire. ISU's move through the gap but in the distance the Panthers have rallied
A pair of T-34's rashly try to over-run the Panzerjäger. This effort was to be short lived
The end. Although the Soviets had broken through in the centre it had taken over half of their tanks to do so and they had no really effective answer to the Panthers which remained untouched. This was a very tough game for the Russian player as the T-34 is totally outclassed by the Panthers